Calisthenics and a Ruck

AO: The Ridge

When: 05/04/2024

Number of Pax: 3

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Broomstick


Grabbed a Saturday Q and decided to split it into parts:


Thang 1: Calisthenics

Thang 2: A ruck around the beautiful AO that is The Ridge



Tappy taps, Tie Fighters, Morpheus Squats, Imperial Walkers, Motivators From 6

The Thang

Thang 1:Calisthenics

What are “calisthenics” anyway?

  • “a form of exercise that uses a person’s body weight and requires little to no equipment”
  • “gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement”
  • “a form of fitness which utilizes gravity and bodyweight leverage to challenge your fitness level”

We did these exercises. Some new ones mixed in but mostly exercises we know and do all the time. FOCUSED ON FORM

    • Merkins (slow in cadence, down on 1-2-3, back up on 4)
    • Squats (slow in cadence, down on 1-2-3, back up on 4)
    • American Hammers
    • Burpees
    • Dips (slow in cadence, down on 1-2-3, back up on 4)
    • Lunges (45 degree angle)
    • Hollow Hold (as long as you can to failure)
    • Spider Crawl (1 Merkin then each knee up to that elbow) – these are Peter Parkers
    • Grady Corns
    • Jungle Boi Squats
    • Plungers (Dirkin, then lower your knees and back up)

Thang 2: Ruck around the trails of The Ridge (1.25 miles)

MARY: Forearm plank rock (we had about 60 seconds for Mary)

Circle of Trust

We can learn a lot from our 2.0s, and by guiding them through difficult times and helping them grow.  I was reminded of this last night at the Paw Pac Conference Championship Track & Field Meet (all the middle schools in D202). 2.01 (F3 Splash) and 2.02 (F3 Monarch) ran the 1600m – their favorite and best race. Last year, in 6th grade, Splash took first place. Splash’s best time this season was 6:18, and in the meet last night she set a PR of 6:07. Great result! But…..she was distraught after the race. As it turns out, Monarch had an out of body experience and dropped her time from around 6:20 to 5:53 to take first place!

Monarch was focused more on the fact that she didn’t successfully defend her title (and lost to her twin sister) rather than the fact that she set a PR in her favorite race.  A great personal achievement was clouded by the fact that someone else also had a great personal achievement, resulting in a lower place finish than Splash was expecting of herself.  We helped her, and she got through it, eventually getting to the right place – being proud of her time and happy for her sister. But I’ll tell you, this took some work.

This is not unique to my 2.0s. I fall victim to this too. We focus more on our failures than our achievements. It seems to be human nature. Instinct perhaps.

But think about this:

  • Remember to focus on what we’ve achieved, and don’t dwell on what we’ve failed to achieve
  • Be grateful for what we have, not full of desire for what we don’t
  • Focus on the positive and not the negative

Happiness is built through gratefulness, not through envy.

By the end of the night, Splash and Monarch were in a great place, having run more events and doing well, and celebrating with their friends at Culver’s over ice cream.

Naked Man Moleskin

Just a great morning with Juanita and Dear Abby. Great work during Thang 1, great mumblechatter during Thang 2, and really incredible weather.  We prayed for the F3 men in Indy today, and for the Sourek family (Morticia).

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