AO: The Grove
When: 12/18/2023
Number of Pax: 7
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Jellystone
This is the morning of Miley’s VQ, so I wasn’t real sure how many PAX would join me. In fact, I strongly recommended that everyone go and support him. As it turns out, we ended up with the perfect sized crew for what I had in mind and I was excited to get going. I had a pretty good idea as to what I wanted to deliver this morning, but needed to do a little recon on my running route. This got me a few side eyes as I left the AO on foot, while cars were pulling in. Once I finished my quick mosey, YHC was all set and just waiting on the clock to strike 0515 so that I could begin.
Pretty standard Jellystone.
After Disclaimer, Principals, and Credo, YHC lead the PAX on a mosey around the parking lot. During run, I pointed out the route I wanted them to take later in the beatdown. Then we picked up the SIX.
Tappy Taps x10 IC
Arm Circles x10 IC each Way
Goofballs x20 IC
Hairy Rockettes x10IC
The Thang
Thang 1 – Burpee / Bear Crawl
PAX were lined up at parking lot island, with backs to flag, facing north. YHC directed PAX to bear crawl to other side of parking lot while stopping and doing 1-Burpee in each parking spot on the way. Once to other side of lot, we picked up the SIX and regrouped. PAX were then instructed to return to the Flags in the same manner.
Picked up SIX, and moved on to Thang 2
Thang 2 – Colt 45’s
All PAX grabbed their coupons and faced YHC at south end of lot. Here we did (3) sets of 15 curls all in cadence.
Set (1) Curls starting at 90-Deg position, exercise to full up
Set (2) Curls starting at full down, exercise to 90-Degree
Set (3) Curls starting and full down, exercise to full up
After completing these three sets, PAX were directed to Farmers Carry Coupon to opposite side of lot, switch hands, and return.
This series was rinsed and repeated (3) Times, getting us 45 reps per set and 45 total reps of each exercise
Thang 3 – Threesome’s
Broke PAX into groups of (3) for a Dora style beatdown at pavilion
PAX 1 – Ran to round about in parking lot and returned
PAX 2 – Wall Sat while doing Grady Corns
PAX 3 – Did Shoulder Taps
Once runner returned. Wall sitter ran, PAX doing shoulder taps moved to wall sits, and runner fell in at shoulder taps.
This series was rinsed and repeated until all PAX finished 3 full revolutions.
Mary –
Thang 3 ended with 10-minutes to spare, as such, I used my “extra” thang as Mary. Last week was my 700th post, and since this was my first Q since hitting that milestone, I thought it appropriate to try an fold 700 into the beatdown in some way. As it would turn out, we had 7 PAX, so for Mary, we all did 100 Merkins and 100 Big Boys OYO. PAX were asked to break these into sets of 5, and to modify if needed. We all finished and with the remaining 90 seconds I had, we completed a Burpee Ring of Fire. During second pass of burpees, our Site Q Dauber called it, and as most PAX thought they were saved by the bell, I asked them all to do one last burpee for good measure.
Recover / Recover
Circle of Trust
I had a CoT planned already, but some of this morning’s mumble-chatter got me thinking about another message that I felt was more appropriate given this being my first Q since my 700th post and Hank Hills 2nd post of his career. The message that inspired my CoT was loosely based on the following statement:
One day, or once a day? (I believe Sparkler deserves credit for sharing this phrase)
Do you have the minds set of one day you will start something, or are you doing something once a day?
Last week I hit 700 posts, because I decided to make a commitment to workout once a day, as such I slowly formed habits that made me not only more physically fit, but a better dad, husband, colleague, employee, and leader. The power is in taking action. You will never know what you are destined to become if you continue to say “One Day I will …”. Make today that day.
Naked Man Moleskin
HUGE Kudos to Hank Hill this morning. He posted for the first time on Saturday, and was one of the first HC’s in for the whole region on Sunday morning. Consistency is key. Keep up the great work brother!