AO: The Wood
When: 05/06/2023
Number of Pax: 83
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 5
FNG Names:
QIC: Pi 3.14
YHC began preparing for this beatdown several months ago. It all started with a DM to Bunker suggesting our region start quarterly convergence beatdowns. Bunker and the current LT have been awesome. I also requested to be the QIC for this convergence since it would be my last opportunity to give back, Lead Right and add to this regions 4th quadrant. Bunker’s immediate response… Freed To Lead Pi!
Gopher and I started comz on this event over a month ago, settled on a date, chizzled out an outline for the beatdown and dialed in the final version a week in advance. Headed to Texas to finalize some business contracts and look for a home.
Got the Pre-Preblast out, no problem. Friday rolled around, Preblast posted in the AM. I received a message from Southwest that our flight is delayed one hour. I texted Gopher and told him I’d keep him updated. I’m our way to the airport, I received notification that our flight was canceled. WTF! Update Gopher. Typically, i would head to a hotel and look to fly out the next morning. Called Southwest and was able to get a flight to Dallas and a connecting to Midway. Gopher was on standby, prepared to be QIC and lead the convergence. Not once did Gopher freak or panic or get upset. Got home, two hour power nap, hydrate, guzzle pre-workout and at the AO by 5:45am. The shit we do for F³. Maybe it was the thought of letting my brothers down
A little rain to make things moist. Not cold, not warm, Hootie no shirt weather fo sho
Announcement/Disclaimer: (2 min)
Good morning!
1. I am not a professional
2. You are here at your own free will
3. I am not aware of any injuries you may have
4. We are here at different fitness levels, Modify if needed, but pushyourself to get stronger. AYE!
(Five FNGs)
F³ Workouts… 5 core principals
- Are free of charge
- Are open to all men are
- Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
- Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
- End with a Circle of Trust
The F3 Credo is: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.
We welcome men of all fitness levels to our workouts and have no requirement for membership other than that you show up at the appointed time and place and follow what the workout leader (the “Q” in F3 lingo) does.
“The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”
SSH (25)
High Knees (15)
Hillbillies (15)
Tappy Taps (10)
Abe Vigodas (10)
Arm Circles (10fwd and 10back)
Team Leaders, Station Leaders … SWITZER!
Count off for total count and teams of 6 (Bring Team Leaders in circle before counting off by 6)
(Begin! 6:40)
The Thang
Team 1…. starts at Station 1, Indian Run, Station 2, Indian Run, Station 3, head back to flags
Team 2… Indian Run, Station 1, Indian Run, Station 2, Indian Run,
Team 3… starts at Station 2, Indian Run, Station 3, Indian Run, Station 1, head back to flags
Team 4… Indian Run, Station 2, Indian Run, Station 1, Indian Run, head back to flags
Team 5… starts at Station 3, Indian Run, Station 1, Indian Run, Station 2, head back to flags
Team 6… Indian Run, Station 3, Indian Run, Station 2 , Indian Run, head back to flags
Station 1 (Parking Lot)
Tire Sleds
Three tire sleds. Three PAX from the team will pull Sleds (w/ coupon) approx. 30yds out around cone and back. While PAX are pulling Sleds, all other PAX will complete excercises listed at cones at start, then run to other cone and complete excercises. Each PAX must complete one tire pull minimum. Repeato until Squad leader advises squad to head to next station.
Station 2
Bears & Blocks at the Hill
Bear crawl up hill, reach between your legs and pull the Block across the grass past your head. Now, bear crawl forward until the Block is between your feet again, and keep repeating up the hill. SSH at the top (10). Rifle carry down hill back to the starting cone
Station 3
Mini hill Bear Crawl gauntlet
Begin with Air Squats (10)
Bear crawl over mini hill. Air Squats at bottom
Repeato for each mini hill all the way to the end (south to north)
Back at the start 7:24
6 MoM
QIC will call out a PAX for their favorite ab exercise
Circle of Trust
Here we are…
It’s amazing to look back to March 19th, 2019 and remember when I was 250 lbs and almost dying after Mrs Doubtfire beatdown at The Citadel. Thank you Parks, for that most shitty experience.
…and the experiences ITG at BP with Urkel doubling back to pick up the six, yes, that used to be me. He’d literally kick me in the ass. True story. And say, let’s go Pi! Come on! You got this!
My crew at BP… Parks and Rec, DJ, Fargo, Elway,Toasted, Half Price, Enron, Lewinsky, Rx…. what a great camaraderie we cultivated over time, a true brotherhood.
One morning after a Saturday beatdown at BP, FIB and I talked about opening an AO south of Naperville and expanding down toward Plainfield and Shorewood and as a matter of fact that I should look into opening a region down there. I was like , fuck that, I ain’t got time for that. Well after we opened The Ridge, I say we, it was lead by TPS, we had RC, myself and a few other PAX Black Ops Grande Park and the rest is history. That AO blew up and within a short period of time we were getting 30-40 PAX showing up. Then a few of us did a boot leg Ops of the OG Colosseum in downtown Plainfield and BOOM! A new Region!
Dilly, The chosen leader to launch F³ Crossroads with a mission to take F³ South from Naperville South of I-80.
Disco Ball, the War Horse who brought GrowRuck training event to Plainfield and showed the Nation who F³ Plainfield was.
Blue Gill, the perfect leader for our region at the right time. A HIM pushing our region to be 1% better all the time, every day! A total of nine AOs expanding from The Ridge to South of I-80 with 3 Rivers and Bucktown to the East with Da Grizz and to the North with The Grove & The Silo
These are three individuals who are passionate about F3 and its mission. There’s no doubt about it.
F³ is not simply about an individual or a small group of leaders, it’s about the brotherhood and The Freed To Lead blood that flows through every PAX veins. We are stronger together!
PAX like Bedpan who was instrumental with Vern and Den Mother in preparing our region for hosting GTE30.
We have future leaders in our midst like Squidward, Foreclosure, Millville, Flo, Dauber, Soft Hands, Chum, Baby Momma, Norm. With the Freed To Lead soul of F3, there are no boundaries that can hold us back. I encourage every PAX to step out of their comfort zone and explore ways of how you can get F³ Plainfield to a position of advantage. In the community, in EHing Sad Clowns. There is no failure in this endeavor. We are only stronger as a region when we are together. I want to hear this from you now. When I say Stronger, you say Together! AYE!
Stronger! Together!
Stronger! Together!
Stronger! Together!
Pi 3.14 OUT! (Drop mic)
I appreciate each and every one of you and I’ll be back!
Naked Man Moleskin
What a great morning it was. Even though I was traveling most of Friday and was only operating on a couple hours of sleep, I never felt tired. The energy was electric. With men like Gopher, the five team leaders, Parks, Picasso, Den Mother, Urkel, Dilly & Norm and the station leaders, Soft Hands, Foreclosure & Millville, I had no doubt it works be a successful morning. Without discussing the most important role, SiteQ, Gophers and YHC handled SiteQ duties as if it was part of our DNA, it was natural. I’m pretty sure the five FNGs felt the power of something very special that Saturday morning