T.E.A.M. Ruck Club

AO: The Wood

When: 01/21/2023

Number of Pax: 13

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names:

QIC: Shawshank


My ruck was centered around the T.E.A.M acronym (Together Everyone Achieves More)


Motivators from 6

Tappy Taps

Arm Circles

Calf Stretches

The Thang

Everyone found a partner and 1 coupon per group. You and your partner needed to talk about how they wanted carry the coupon. Take turns or doit together. Communication was important and mumblechatter was expected since you were so close with your partner.

We made our way to the hill.

Partner 1 bear crawled up the hill and crawl beared back down.  Partner 2 was doing curls with the coupon till partner1 came back and then rolls were switched.

Groups made it over the hill to the backside. Same concept, but this time was bear crawls and big boys that were done with partners.

When completed, HIMS switch partners and made their way to to front of the park. Partner on did 5 blockees and partner 2 did merkins the blockees were completed and rolls were switched.

Partners were switched again.  Stopped a couple more times with the same concept till we made it back to the parking lot.

Circle of Trust

The T.E.A.M. concept was my main focus of my COT.  Today everyone worked as a team to achieve a goal. This goal was to carry a coupon and complete PT with your partner.  You may not always have the same partner, but if you communicate, you can still accomplish goals. Some of my best friends growing up were from sports and teams.  You learn so much about them from all the time you spend with them. The same goes for F3. I have spent so much time with the MEN that I can now call them friends.  I know so much about them. If needed, I could reach out on Slack and someone would step up if help was needed.  Continue to post at AOs and continue to make those connections with new teammates.

Naked Man Moleskin

MEN didn’t know how to carry a coupon together at the same time.  Sticking hands into holes came up a lot.

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