Spit Valve’s Ladder Ruck for fabulous lower body!

AO: The Colosseum

When: 01/29/2025

Number of Pax: 7

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spit Valve


A few weeks ago I attended a ruck by Den mother where he did a series of exercises and then the ruck portion was used as recovery.  I really liked that concept.  That same week, Sparky led a ruck where we stopped at the light poles along the way at EL Coyote and did various exercises.  I liked both of these concepts and decided to combined them.

I ran this workout at Three Rivers PM last week so this is a variation that uses some additional elements that the colosseum offers.


This was going to be a lower body beat down so we did good mornings,  side straddle hops, abe vegodas and calf stretches.

The Thang

We did four rounds up the ladder stopping at each parking lot line.  We started with low reps and increased them each time.  Rep Counts Below:

  1. Squats 5-10-15-20-25
  2. Lunges 5-left,5-right,10-left,10-right, 10-each side
  3. Calf Raises 3-6-9-12-15
  4. Final round included a combination of all of the above. 2-4-6-8-10
We completed 5 lot lines before Rucking to the Baseball Pavilion for Steps Ups, then headed to the Concession Stand for Romanian Squats. Times the workout perfectly ending with 30 seconds to remain to return to the Flags.   We did some ruffling particularly between lines and to return to base.

Circle of Trust

I noted in my COT that having specific event based fitness goals is useful.  Everyone wants to be more fit,  my goals are to run 5 miles, 10k, half marathon, and marathon in that order.  To do this I have to have a certain fitness level.

Naked Man Moleskin

A Rucking(good time)  sorry a 5th grade class has come in and I need to cut short.

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