QvQ – Meta vs Hank Hill

AO: Other

When: 02/25/2025

Number of Pax: 20

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names:

QIC: Meta & Hank HIll


1st QvQ for the both of us!

I think we both had nerves coming into this.

Much larger crowd than we both expected.


Manhole led us in WoR for the first 5 minutes, then released the hounds!

  • Cherry pickers
  • Willy Mayes hayes
  • Arm Circles
  • Motivators

The Thang

Hank Hill kicked us off with a burner.  He started with what we normally end a BC with, a ring of fire!

  • 10 merkins per PAX while everyone else held plank
  • 15 caroline dry docks while everyone else held plank
  • 20 mountain climbers while everyone else held plank
  • 25 big boys

Run to the pavilion

  • Step ups – 15 ea. leg
  • Irkins – 25

Run back to flags

  • Chest press
  • Skull crushers
  • Blockees

20 minutes up and my turn

1st Thang

My(Meta) 1st thang was dedicated to Hank Hill and his flatulence, from using propane tanks to renaming some movements.

Split the group into 2 teams and had them line up across from each other the length of the parking lot.

1st person on each team would do 10 kettle bell swings with the propane tank and “pass the gas (tank)” to their neighbor they would then bear crawl to the center of the parking lot to meet their oppenent for a game of rock, paper, scissors, winner would get a point for their team, a draw was no points for either team.  The other PAX were performing “potty squaties” (air squats) until it was their turn.

After the first round, we tallied up the score.  Winner took a victory lap around the parking lot, loser did blockees until the victors completed the lap.

2nd round the same but only difference, instead of “potty squaties” I had the PAX perform gas pumpers.

2nd Thang

Steal the bacon

Kept the same teams.

Each PAX had to perform 5 reps of each exercise

  • Air Squats
  • Merkins
  • Big Boys

Once completed they went to their opponents side and stole as much as they can carry, coupons, medicine balls, kettle bells, sand bags, and propane tanks.  Each time they returned they had to perform the same exercises before stealing more items. Rinse and repeat until timer went off.  Team with most items won.

  • Winners took a victory lap
  • Losers performed blockees/burpees

Finished with SSH IC to 20 before recover/recover.

Circle of Trust

Hank Hill’s CoT started with a huge thanks to all the PAX for coming out to show their support. He spoke about how F3 has changed his life and has had a positive impact on him.  He appreciated the attendance and encouraged all of the PAX to continue to come out in numbers to all AO’s and we should continue to give this gift away and grow F3.

Meta’s CoT.

I also thanked the PAX for coming out.  For those that don’t know, Hank Hill and I went to grammer school and high school together, we’ve been friends for a long time.  I am so proud of what he has accomplished in F3, he’s been killing it since day 1 and am excited to see what he’ll do next.  My only regret was not being the one that brought Hank Hill out.  So I encourage PAX to continue to EH men to come out, look through your FB friends from grammer school, high school and college, invite them out and continue to grow F3.  Like Hank Hill, F3 has also changed my life and has had a positive impact on my life.

Naked Man Moleskin

This is Meta writing the backblast for the QvQ.

It was a great turnout for an evening boot camp that featured 2 grammer school buddies going head to head in our first ever QvQ.  It was a tough battle and somehow I came out with the victory.  I want to thank Hank Hill for bringing the heat this evening.  Didn’t think the PAX would have enough energy for my BC after what he put us through.  He did an amazing job on his Q, I look forward to the next challenge.

A few more weeks and we turn the clock forward and there will be daylight at El Coyote, wohooo!!!

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