AO: The Ridge
When: 10/17/2024
Number of Pax: 16
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Dilly Dilly
It was the first below freezing day of the season but after the PAX showed up we heated things up pretty quick.
Always Complete the following “First 5”:
- Welcome to the AO & recognize any FNG’s
- Not a professional
- Mission of F3
- Core principles
- Credo
Warm O Rama: (5 mins)
- Language in F3 is extremely important
- First exercise is…
- Starting Position…Move
- In Cadence… (or on my up or down)
- Exercise
- Either 4 count cadence or you count “up” & PAX count the # rep down
- Recover
- All exercises done in a 4-count cadence
- Arm Circles (forward & back) – 10 IC
- Good Mornings (leaning forward at the hips stretching hammies) – 10 IC
The Thang
Thang #1: Pearls on a String (Leave no man Behind)
- At each stop go through a quadrant of the Q-Source
- Teach importance of 10 count
- Run out 1/10th of a mile. Complete these 2 exercises 10 reps each (you lead then have new guy lead)
- Up…Down count merkins
- Slow 4 count squats
- Rinse & repeat except this time have another PAX lead
- Incorporate a C2C (corner to corner) where Sugar Rays lead in front & Clydesdales catch up
- Stop 2 more times repeat steps above
- On return to AO educate on proper “Indian run” as well as “champagne run”
Thang #2: DORA (pushes the gazelle in partner format)
- Coupon Curls – 75
- Overhead Press – 50
- Chest Press – 100
- Partner #2 is running to cone in back
Thang #3: 11’s (great OYO keeps group together, back pocket for extra time)
- Goblet Squats (start with 1)
- Duck Walk to other end of parking lot
- Derkins (start with 10)
- Duck Walk
Mary: (5 mins)
- LBCs (little baby crunch) 10 IC led by Dilly
- Flutter Kicks 10 IC led by newer PAX
- American Hammers 10 IC led by newer PAX
- Hold plank
Circle of Trust
Other Stuff:
- Count A Rama (go around in the circle with each guy counting off: 1,2,3,4,etc ending with you as the last #)
- Announcements (site Q leads any announcements that the men at the workout need to be aware of)
- FNG (friendly new guy) naming: have any new guys come to the middle & tell you what they do for a living, age, anything about their family, job, hobbies, funny stories. Then give them a cool F3 name (which should not be cool)!!
- Name A Rama, video this (everyone goes around the circle saying their hospital name, age, & F3 name)
- As mentioned, the 2nd F (fellowship) is the glue. Have an option for guys to go grab coffee somewhere after or even better have someone volunteer to bring coffee on site so guys will stick around for a quick conversation.
Naked Man Moleskin
- Led in a peer rotating fashion. Why is this core principle #4?? It directly ties to the mission “invigorating male community leadership”. Our mission cannot be fulfilled if men do not step up to “Lead Right” according to principle #4. Leadership is EVOLUTIONARY not revolutionary. We are not recreating leadership principles b/c leadership principles remain the same since the beginning of time however what we are doing is sharpening our leadership blade. You will mess up, it will not be perfect, but you will learn. This is how we invigorate male community leadership. Through strong preparedness & a mind set of “win in charge, take charge” you cannot fail, only learn. Who has Q’d less than 5 times. Do you feel more confident? Can I count on you to get on the Q sheet in the next 21 days?
- If compelled, you can end with a prayer asking for any prayer intentions from the men.