Pearls on the Path

AO: The Colosseum

When: 01/03/2025

Number of Pax: 14

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dear Abby


We had a light snowfall last night so I wanted to get there early to make sure the path was not dangerous. Luckliy, it was in decent shape. A few of us met for a 1.5 mile run before the workout.


Moved WoR into the grass because the parking lot was slick.

Motivators from 6

Good Mornings x 10

Imperial Walkers x 10

Arm Circles x 10F/10R

The Thang

Ran to first stop along path and did 5 burpees.

Ran to second stop and did 10 tempo merkins, 5 burpees.

Ran to third stop and did 20 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 5 burpees.

Ran to fourth stop and did 30 tempo squats, 20 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 5 burpees. Ran to stop 5, which was at the bridge, and did 40 SSH, 30 tempo squats, 20 miuntain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 5 burpees.

At bridge, we did 5 Welsh Dragons to break up the pearls before making our way back.

On way back, we only did the one exercise that was added to that stop on the way out. So, at stop 5 we did 40 SSH, stop 4 was 30 tempos squats, etc.

Finished with Mary.

Circle of Trust

My CoT tagged onto the COT Schlitz gave on Monday abiut staying vigilant and remaining positive in the face of evil. His CoT was before the terror attacks of New Years Eve and turned out to be prophetic only a day later.

Naked Man Moleskin

In addition to the workout, we executed an emergency response drill while on the path away from the AO. My Site Q, Pee Wee Herman, took command and everyone executed theiir roles well. Lastly, thank you to the 13 awesome men that joined me for a snowy and cold workout today.

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