Mud Bowl

AO: The Ridge

When: 12/28/2024

Number of Pax: 18

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Quatro


Beautiful morning after a rainy day = muddy field


Mosey, good mornings, imperial walkers, Willie mays Hayes, squatros, calf stretches, arm circles

The Thang

ultimate football 9 v 9, losing team does 5 burpees

Circle of Trust

3 days til the new year, have you thought of your resolution? How can you improve your fitness, fellowship and faith in 2025? Don’t over reach – set reasonable goals and commit to the daily grind to reach them. Not sure what you need to work on? Ask your wife. Then scale her requests back to something attainable.

Naked Man Moleskin

Dauber needs to work on his speed. He should have run down that pass.

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