Hill Ladder at The Ridge

AO: The Ridge

When: 10/29/2024

Number of Pax: 14

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Corner Kick


PRE-BLAST – The Ridge – Boot Camp – Tuesday 10/29 – 0515-0600

Join me to ascend or descend a ladder and the hill. I’ll bring the ladder you bring:

for grass


HC below and come climb with me.


– Imperial Walkers – 10 in cadence

– Tie Fighters – 10 in cadence Both directions

– Harry Rockettes – 10 in cadence

– Motivators from 3

The Thang

Starting at base of the hill perform 20reps of exercise #1.  Bernie sanders up the hill for 20 reps of exercise #1.  Run down hill.  Work you way up the ladder by performing 20 reps of exercise #1 and #2 each.  Bernie sanders up for 20 reps of exercise #1 and 2.  Continue this patter up to exercise #5.  After #5 start going back down the ladder.  1,2,3,4 then 1,2,3 then 1,2 then 1.


Bottom – 20reps

  1. Curl
  2. Chest Press
  3. Pull Over
  4. Bent Over Rows
  5. Thruster

Bernie Sanders Up

Top – 20reps

  1. Air Squat
  2. Merkin
  3. Plank Jack
  4. Bobby Hurley
  5. Burpee


Run Down

Circle of Trust

Don’t be too focused on the future and miss the present.  This is something that I am working to continually remind myself.  I am a planner, I am routinely thinking about the next step, task, or goal.  I have caught myself getting so focused on the future that I cannot recall the details of the current events.  Or I miss details that I spent time thinking about and planning for the current event, which is the complete opposite point of planning.  There is a lot to be learned, cherished, and experienced in the moment.  Don’t overlook the present by focusing on the future. 

Naked Man Moleskin

Thanks to all the PAX that came out on this beautiful October morning.

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