Hank’s El Coyote Rucking Bootcamp

AO: Other

When: 01/07/2025

Number of Pax: 10

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Hank Hill


Nice frosty evening at El Coyote.. 21°, no wind. Utilized the parking lot with lights provided by @Sparky.


A little bit of a rough start with my disclaimers being a little distressed. I’m going to continue to pick up more Qs in order to get that level of clarity up to par.

Upon WOR, we got in some Motivators, Grady Corns, ssh, calve stretches, Tai Fighters, good mornings.

The Thang

Quick ruck northeast to the concrete slab at the path to the woods. Stopped here to get some RUCK ON Merkins, Squats, Shoulder Taps. After completing our tasks, we continued to the south back to the flags at the lot.

Speaker failure (claimed it was too hot, just the opposite)caused me to have to use my phone speaker, so we weren’t in silence.

Here we jumped into a Beatdown I designed to work the upper body. Without rucks we jumped into a series of exercises to keep us warm.

  • Skull Crushers 20
  • Chest Press 30
  • Curls 40
  • Bent Over Rows 30
  • OHP 30
  • Blockees 5
  • Paperboys 25 Right
  • Jane Fonda’s 20 Right

Switch to the right, same reps.
We then took a 3 lap mosey around the lot returning to our spots on the frozen lot to repeat this series 2 more times.

With some time left we were able to get some good core an work in. Consisting of LBCs 15, Big Boys 15, American Hammers 15, and Pickle Pushers 20.

Recover, Recover.




Circle of Trust

I reflected on something I heard earlier in the day on the radio. That it was National Divorce Day. How pleasant. Actually used it as a reminder to be respectful to your spouse. To show compassion and attention and to do what’s needed to keep your bond intact.

I spoke a prayer to the Lord for our PAX, their intentions, and our troops.

Naked Man Moleskin

AAR was good, especially from Jellystone ( who did help to reset a count during an exercise that got away from me). I still struggle with when to use which count structure. When to use Cadence or an up/down. I will continue to improve for sure. Thanks to all for coming out once again in the cold of night. Great job and push from Mr. Beaker for pushing himself and getting back out for a Bootcamp.

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