Bunkers 4 year Manny

AO: The Colosseum

When: 10/25/2024

Number of Pax: 10

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bunker


The rain held off for the workout but we had some rain overnight. I was Committed to this workout regardless of the weather and the only modifications I would have been willing to make would have been for lightening. We got lucky and had some drizzle but nothing like originally predicted.


Bunker special IYKYK

The Thang

4 ring ladder marked by cones in the field

40 yards apart

Cone 1 4 reps

Cone 2 8 reps

Cone 3 12 reps

Cone 4 16 reps

Go up the ladder then back down for each exercise before moving onto the next one.


Air squats

Hand release merkins

Bobby Hurleys

Carolina Dry docks

Monkey Humpers

Pretzel Taps

Bonnie Blair’s

Seal claps


Circle of Trust

  1. Talked about peaks and valleys with regard to F3, work, relationships etc. We will always have them and our goal should to be to have more peaks than valleys. When we are dipping or in a valley we have to use our experiences from our peaks to help push us forward and back to the top. In F3 our peaks are our acceleration in each of the Fs, a valley could be an injury or a change that takes us away from our brothers. None the less as men we need to continue to push and persevere in all aspects of life and when you are at a peak enjoy that time and realize the work you did to get there. When a valley happens accept it, identify ways to push through and recovery, and find away to get back on the way up to a peak.

Naked Man Moleskin

Well what can I say I have never had the pleasure of having Old Maid be my site Q. He took to heart the job of being a site Q at the AO with the greatest Mumble chatter. In true Old Maid fashion I think he spent more time planning ways to mess with the pax while taking pictures instead of working out. He did have a very stubborn Foundation to babysit who was more concerned with being involved in Old Maids jokes then exercising but those two seemed to have a good time. A frog showed up during Mary which added to the shenanigans. We were all lucky enough to escape the AO without being a victim to Toby and his very sneaky car antics. All in all we burned some calories, cracked some jokes, had a good time and kept up the tradition of Fridays at the Colosseum.

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