AO: The Ridge
When: 03/24/2023
Number of Pax: 28
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Millville
Had a lot of fun preparing for this Q and planned on delivering a slaughter of a workout. However, leading up to this Q I was following a battalion of brothers who were going hard all week. I came into today feeling depleted and weak, but the energy and determination of my brothers gave me the extra gas I needed to throw on the fire.
Tappy taps, abe vigodas, high knees, mosey around the lot.
The Thang
This beatdown was a Big Trouble in Little China themed beatdown. The mechanism consisted of three core thangs that were in constant rotation. The group was divided into three teams and all were given the same instructions.
Thang 1 – The Pork-chop Express
- One Pax loaded up a tire sled w/ his coupon and dragged it out to the cone and back (maybe 40-50 yards out, at most)
Thang 2 – Egg Shen’s 6 Demon Bag
- While the tire sled was out the rest of the team did an AMRAP of one of the six exercises on the list. The PAX took turns calling cadence for rep accountability.
- exercises: blockies, curls, goblet squats, overhead press, skull crushers, thrusters
Thang 3 – Lords of Death
- when the sled returned the PAX carrying the slide has to complete the AMRAP of the exercise that his team was doing but he must do it solo.
- all other PAX sprint to the cone and perform ten merkins and sprint back. This gives the solo pax time to get in his reps. The PAX decide who is next to take the sled and the cycle continues.
Mary: mosey around the lot, tappy taps, abe vigodas, daisy pickers, and good morning good nights.
Circle of Trust
In my recent CoTs I have been talking a lot about the power of words and the scripts that we run internally in our own heads. I shared w/ the MEN that I struggle personally with self defeating language. Cons to rely running scripts that say I’m not strong enough, smart enough, kind enough, devoted enough, or made of the right stuff. When I joined F3 I found brothers who said that I was and everyday push me to exceed on the proving ground that is our fellowship. Men who won’t allow you to fall prey to your own self doubt.
Big Trouble in Little China is a silly movie, a cult classic that you either love or hate. I always wondered why it appealed to me so much, why I found comfort in it, and why I’ve watched it enough times to quote the entire movie from opening to end credits… It’s because the hero, Jack Burton, isn’t a perfect hero at all. He’s flawed, he makes mistakes, and he doesn’t always have everything figured out. He’s just a truck driver who’s in way over his head, but he never gives up. Throughout the movie Jack talks to the other characters mostly in third person, referring to his full name and speaking in quotes that he’s obviously made up on the spot but positions his words like you should’ve already known how awesome he is.. It’s like he’s constantly talking in the mirror and practicing motivational exercises. As a viewer it’s obvious that Jack is not the likely hero but by the end of the movie he seems to manifest his own destiny just by verbally reaffirming his own power and controlling his own narrative.
We do hard stuff everyday and that hard stuff is what pushes us through the hardships we will face in our personal lives outside the gloom. Everymorning we prove to ourselves that we have what it takes to cross the finish line and to become 1% better. Start practice self-affirming language. Shut down the negative scripts by focusing on your journey and how far you’ve come.
So, the next time you’re feeling defeated just look back at your last post and how much it’s sucked then practice a Jack Burton one-liner.
“Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.”
– Jack Burton
Naked Man Moleskin
Great to see the MEN of The Ridge this morning. Great leadership from veteran HIMs on all three teams.