When: 12/12/2023
Number of Pax: 15
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: bedpan
This is my first Q since reindeer games began. Felt excited to get back out in the gloom and lead a Q. The wind made it a bit colder today than it was yesterday.
- Rockie Balboas
- SSH x 25
- Abe Vi Goda x 10
- Slaloms x 10
- Arm Circles x 10
The Thang
THANG 1: Lateral 22’s (split PAX into 2 groups)
Side 1
- Lion King
- Alternating Coupon Merkin
Side 2
- Jump Over Burpee
- Side Squat
THANG 2: PAX call the workout
- PAX picks an exercise than calls out another PAX to pick next exercise.
- After 3 exercises go for a lap around the parking
Circle of Trust
In today’s society, it is easy for men to lose touch with their masculinity. Society sees it as an aggressive trait. This is not true, our Masculinity is unique and powerful strength we should embrace. It boosts confidence, assertiveness, and ambition. Be the Masculine Man your M deserves. What am I talking about? Not the “a women should be in the kitchen”, mocha meat head, emotionless “man” but a strong / confident leader. I was shared an amazing book during a monthly Conscious Men’s Circle I am part of.
It shows you how to develop your Masculine leadership in an actionable three-part Masculine Blueprint: Respond vs. React, Provide Structure, and Create Safety. The book is not a manual for Alpha Dogs, nor a fuzzy spiritual guide. It is a clear set of principles that help you develop your Masculine leadership. If you want to feel more powerful and be less of a pleaser Nice Guy, this book can help you. If your partner seems to criticize more, have less interest in sex, or act in ways that feel “crazy” to you, this book can help. Fighting or defending yourself doesn’t resolve anything. Withdrawing into work or your phone makes it worse. And contorting yourself to avoid conflict just kills her respect for you. Most of the time it is not her but you that needs to change so she can be her divine feminine. If you don’t allow her to get back into her feminine, than your relationship will be out of balance with two masculine energies. I can promise you that this book is a game changer. I have already seen the positive outcome of following the process and I am not even done with the book.
Naked Man Moleskin
Take a moment to look at yourself before thinking your M needs to change.
The Masculine in Relationship by GS Youngblood – Audiobook –