AO: The Olympiad
When: 04/13/2023
Number of Pax: 8
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Pi 3.14
58°, cool . Perfect short sleeve shirt & shorts weather
Good morning!
1. We are not a professionals
2. You are here at your own free will
3. I am not aware of any injuries you may have
4. We are here at different fitness levels, Modify if needed, but push yourself to get stronger
Since this was Cable Guys 2nd beatdown, YHC recited the 5 Core Principles, Mission of F³ & Credo
Cotton Eyed Joe Rednex
Start with SSH
Violin solo do alternating squat kicks
Return to SSH when singing returns
When female sings… Hillbillies
Baba O’Riley
Imperial Walkers set to the perfect five minute song, Baba O’Reilly by The Who. Increasing tempo for the final 30 seconds.
(Stopped after 2 min)
Capri lap around the parking lot
The Thang
Mosey with coupon approx 300 meters
Bodies Hit the Floor
This is done to the song Bodies by Drowning Pool (3:21). Start in plank position. When the song says “Let The Bodies Hit The Floor” do a Donkey Kick (26 Total). When the song counts (1, 2, 3, 4) do a Merkin (21 Total). Always plank when not doing Donkey Kicks or Merkins and never let your Bodies Hit The Floor.
Mosey with coupon approx 300 meters
To the song, Tubthumper by Chumbawumba, start with SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH. In the end, you will do about 27 burpees. Great for the Warmorama, and to shut down any mumblechatter early in workout, or at any point during the workout.
Mosey with coupon approx 300 meters
Q plays “Thunderstruck” by ACDC. PAX complete 1 standard Merkin for every “thunder!” that is heard in the song. Plank during the rest of the song.
Mosey back to flags
Bring Sally Up
“Flower” by Moby
Air squat until the song is over. When the song says “Bring Sally Up” the Pax will be in the up position, and “Bring Sally Down” the Pax will be in the down position
End at 0600
Circle of Trust
Music Quotes
Every little thing gonna be alright!” – Bob Marley
Naked Man Moleskin
Fun beatdown while still getting in miles and burning calories
Good to see Cable Guy out for his 2nd post. Little know fact is that Cable Guy’s shorty is dating Scissor Hands (Cgicken Hawk’s brother) shorty