AO: The Wood
When: 04/22/2024
Number of Pax: 18
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
Today was my 2.0’s 15th Birthday my rep counts for each exercise reflected the number 15. Binford had mentioned to me after a BC a few weeks ago he did like the down time between sets at a workout we attended together. So my plan was to fix that for him and hit our core lifts focusing on Legs, Back and Chest.
We started by chopping in place during the 5 core principals, credo, and mission statement.
15 IC – Plank Jax, Mtn. Climbers, SSH
I then had the PAX line up and we performed a leg warm up which included the following.
Jog backwards
Skip backwards
High Knees
Lunge walk down
Lunge walk backwards
Side Shuffle down and back
Karioka down and back
Do to time I left out the quad stretch, high knee pull and toe reach/squat.
The Thang
The PAX did 15 ct IC SSH, Plank Jax, and Mtn Climbers between each SET of the lifts to keep active recovery going and HR up.
weighted back squats 3×15
Weighted alt step ups 3×15
Deadlifts 3×15
Rows 3×15
Curls 3 ct negative 1×15
Curls into overhead press 1×15
Swap things
Jump down to plank perform 1 Merken at bottom climb to bench perform Merkin climb to table top perform Merkin – Repeat 15 repetitions
Jane Fonda’s 1×15 each leg
Flutter kicks 1×15 IC
LBC’s 1×15 count
Merkin ring of fire x3 each PAX
Circle of Trust
Today was my 2.0’s 15th birthday. I opened up about Q Source chapter on your shorties. Happy Birthday Sydney!
prayers for Tommy Bartlett
Naked Man Moleskin
Lots of energy this Monday morning with the full moon. Thanks to all the PAX for supporting me and to Deja Vu for having the SIX. Binford did not disappoint with the Coffee.
We also learned from PISTON that SMUCKERS jars are the best for drinking your beverages from.
PLUNGER taught us the meaning of Third World Syndrome as he has been using the same foam cup for over a year LOL.