Black Diamond Dragon Clan Beatdown with 19 PAX

AO: The Olympiad

When: 04/16/2024

Number of Pax: 19

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Sparkler


PREBLAST for :dragon: :black_diamond:  Black Diamond at The Olympiad on 4/16 for DAY 2 of the :dragon_face: clan at 0500-0600 :dragon:  :fire: This is the second installment of the Dragon Clan :dragon: :black_diamond: but also just your Tuesday Black Diamond. The focus is going to be on discipline.Big boy coupons :coupon:‘are preferred but we can make due with regular ones. Running on pavement (no track) and planking in grass. Gloves recommended.I’m asking you all to lock in from 0500-0600. We’ve got some new thangs like Reverse Slingshots, Dragon Statues and Jailbreak Carries that YHC will introduce.Drop those HC’s early as later commits will get more weight.


Run in a circle clockwise for Disclaimer we with bricks in hand
Pavers Goofballs IC 15x
Pavers SSH IC 30x
Pavers Arm Blasters
-Circles forward and backwards
-Seal Claps
-Moraccan Night Clubs
-Overhead Claps
Pavers Michael Phelps 12 IC
Paver Burpees 5 IC
Coupon Swings 10x IC
Coupon Swings(alternating hands) 10x IC

The Thang

Thang 1 Reverse Sling Shot Run
As a group we will Slingshot the .42 mile route in the parking lot to make sure everyone has the route.
When getting back to the flags The PAX at the back numbered #10 will run the same route backwards until he reaches the group going the correct way. The main group continues a regular slingshot run forward. The last person in line will the run the route backwards and so forth until everyone has had a turn.
Once everyone has gone, continue the slingshot back to the flags.

Thang 2 – Dragon Coupon Farmer Carry (.38 miles)
Partner up. PAX 1 farm carriers the baseball field path while PAX 2 does 5 Hand Release Merkins.
We will end up at the numbers just off at the path.

Thang 3 – Discipline the dragon.
PAX 1 is in the grass and chooses a number 1-52 on the painted lines in the lot. PAX 2 has to place the coupon on PAX 1’s back while in plank and run across the lot to the side walk to complete that count total of Merkins for round 1/ odd numbers and round 2 Air Squats / even numbers. The PAX planking picks the count and both sets of partners cannot pick the same number twice or occupy a number that has already been chosen.

Thang 4 – Back to the Flags with a partner.
PAX 1 begins farmer carrying while PAX 2 runs to the flags then back to PAX 1 to switch. PAX 1 then runs to the flags and back to PAX 2 to switch. Repeat until you both reach the flags.

WW1’s 30 IC until 0600

Circle of Trust

Most of you know that I don’t celebrate milestones and I’d prefer for the masses not to know my achievements.

Andrew Huberman talks about how actual things are harder when there is an end goal or reward because you really aren’t enjoying the activity. You are instead chasing the dopamine of the reward that you are getting and hating the entire experience along the way.I’ve been able to unlock the rewards and gains of the daily grind and efforts that I am doing on even the most mundain tasks. The effort is my reward and not the end goal or accomplishment and this has created discipline.

If you can unlock the dopamine from daily effort and in disciplin toe you will need less caffeine, less large goals, motivation from others and instead you will get excited about the process.So how do you do this? In the events where you have the most pain and self doubt you tell yourself that this will be the best dopamine release later, the best story to tell and this will level you up. You also have to tell yourself that you love what you are doing in the moment and that it is good for you.

So be disciplined in showing up for the effort inducing dopamine rush. Do not chance the rush prior to doing something or afterwards. Take the dopamine hit during the event no matter how difficult or challenging it is. Aye?!

Naked Man Moleskin

So much to unpack here.

Spike Horn had reached out the day prior and asked how he could help, well yes. I need paver bricks with the HC’s stacking. He provided 10 and we had the perfect number for the PAX in attendance.

Got to meet Latte and Tinder and these PAX were pressing the 12 for the majority of the hour as I had them partnered up together. Latte mentioned this was his furthest run. Both Black Diamind Cherries

GrubX got his BD Cherry as well and fit right in like he has done this before. Keep coming back to these.

Picasso was an excellent 6 keeping the group together and navigating a broken coupon.

D-Bag and Foreclosure showed up at 0430 to ECR 1.5 miles and run through a trial of Thang 3 with me as D-Bag had to leave early to get home.

I could go through each of the PAX but overall the effort, positive attitude and to have 19 PAX show up on time and honor their HC’s was impressive in itself. We all got better today. What’s next?

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