F3 Run Club, 400s

AO: The Olympiad

When: 11/17/2023

Number of Pax: 14

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Picasso


This was my third time doing a Run Club Q where I focused on form.  I call this type of Q F3 after a different acronym than our groups.  Form Follows Function.  The idea is if you have perfect form you will function better as a runner.

Try to do less with more – got made fun of

Try to teach – got made fun of

It’s all good.  I love and respect everyone that came out.  Got some good feedback.  Every time I have Q’d up this teaching style Run Club it has been slightly different.  I felt like this version was perhaps the easiest and most creative but also fell apart a bit.  Overall, enjoyed the day and felt it was successful.


Welcome Men While jogging in place.

Chicken Wing/Quad Stretch left/Disclaimer – right discussed the importance of being balanced when running.

Cherry Pickers/ Hamstring stretch 10 count into 2 Good nights IC

Cherry Pickers into 5 Good nights IC

In Plank performed Calf Stretches l than right.  While holding reminded Men of our mission statement.

5 Burpees.  After each one I gave 1 core principle.

Kept the hard rate up with 10 Motivators.

Provided Credo and then we moved as a group.  Began slow jog around the parking lot.  got to one point and did butt kicks, moved into high knees at another point.  Started traveling back to the flags with Lunge Walks.  Discussed the difference in form that should happen when you are sprinting.  Discussed how “Flying” should relate to getting your feet back on the ground to increase foot turnover and then how distance running should relate to, more like the lunge walk reaching out – keeping your feet closer to the ground and trying to explode forward instead of sprinting where you would drive up more like high knees.  Recovered to a walk then slow mosey’d to the track for Thang 2 or the Thang.

The Thang

Slow jog to the first 100 yard marker.  Jogged 1 lap together increasing pace at each 100 yard marker.  (Main purpose was actually to make sure everyone knew how to read the track.  Once done the lead group doubled back on the outside of track to pick up the 6.  This would be one model that was followed for the entire thang.

Started a fast pace 400 after first lap.

Run 400 at 100% double back to pick up the 6.  Once everyone was done with 100 lap.  Folks identifying as Clydesdales walked forward 100 yards to increase the next starting and finishing point by that distance.  Gazelles, (and one time Giselle), ran the opposite direction 100 yards and then jogged forward 200 hundred to catch the Clydesdales.  As soon as the clydesdales were done walking the 100 and advancing the starting line 100 yards they took off leaving the Gazelles behind to start chasing them.  Once that 400 was complete, whomever was in the front jogged back to pick up the 6.  We did this on repeat for the rest of Run Club.  Each time a lap was complete it seemed like everyone began to understand the plan better.  The concept was hard to get going initially but yhc feels it pushed everyone of every pace.

Chum Bucket leads the best stretching session in my humble opinion.  I reached out to him yesterday and asked if he would lead a stretch session for Mary.  He worked to make sure we were all going to be loose for the Turkey Trot.

Circle of Trust

I wanted to bring my son to EC run and do the run club with the group today.  I was freed to lead and I know he could have done it.  He is 10.  He also was falling asleep at the planetarium last night.  My M and I decided he was not ready.  The 4:00 alarm is awfully early for me.

I will get a chance to hold him up at the Turkey Trot.  I plan to run with him instead of race.  We will still be moving fast.  He is my best friend and also the person I enjoy coaching the most.

I heard a quote one time that states, “The only one proud of their children when they surpass their elders are the parents.” (Something like that.)

Men, we call our children the upgrades are 2.0s a lot of us hold them up and celebrate them in ways that they expect to surpass us.  We want our children to be greater so when it actually happens they are not surprised and we are filled with pride.

As I professionally get into parent teacher conferences at the school I work at and look at the list of parents that have signed up to talk to me, and get frustrated a little.  I don’t “need” to talk to any one of them.  When we are around for our children, supporting our 2.Os, and holding them up they usually do rise up to our expectations… they usually are successful.  Parents that come to conferences are involved in their childrens’ lives.  Consequently, I usually have nothing but positive things to say as I end up complimenting them on the job their doing.  We are the first teachers in the lives of children.  They can only be as successful as we inspire them, teach them, and lead them to be.

I get, “stupid” competitive.  Be careful Men, especailly during Reindeer Games.  This week, I told my team I was going for a 9 pack.  On Tuesday, i started noticing that my family seemed like I was neglecting them some.  I pulled back instead of going to the evening bootcamp.  My F3 Family is important but the center of our lives needs to be home.  It needs to be our children.

Naked Man Moleskin

Boston Butt kept us all on track with Motivators calling out the next set very loud for everyone.  There was some good Mumble Chatter when folks were not breathing too heavy to speak.

Bunker said, “10 motivators killed the Mumble Chatter instantly.”

It was a good dynamic this morning with Runners that had a big range in pace.  Honestly was just trying to keep everyone fresh for the Turkey Trot.  Spend sometime stretching today Men!

BTW.  This wasn’t a warmup for the Turkey Trot.  It was a Run Club.  One person was mad that I shouldn’t have done some of the things I did before the Turkey Trot.  Well…. Two people didn’t come.  One privately messaged me and one was on our thread.  Both were tapering down for before the race.

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