AO: The Colosseum
When: 08/23/2023
Number of Pax: 11
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names:
QIC: Trojan
The Ruck Club to see who has the best “snake”!!!
Imperial Walkers (10 IC)
Arm Circles Forward (10 IC)
Arm Circles Backwards (10 IC)
Good Mornings (10 IC)
Right Calf Stretch (10 count)
Left Calf Stretch (10 count)
The Thang
PAX started in the southeast corner of the parking lot. They rucked across the lot, side shuffled around the lot island, and then ruffled back down the next aisle. Do this over til we got to the end of the lot. At the northeast corner of the lot, we did 20 Ruck Squats, 20 Ruck Curls, and 20 Ruck Skull Crushers. We rucked back to the southeast corner of the lot and rinse and repeat.
Circle of Trust
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is a humbling experience when you have PAX show up at 5:15am to your Q, but it was even more humbling today due to the insane heat and humidity. All of these PAX decided to get comfortable with being uncomfortable (and sweaty like Sparkler). Keep on putting yourselves in uncomfortable situations til they become comfortable.
Naked Man Moleskin
FNG Pinestripes did awesome today and crushed his first post!