AO: The Wood
When: 03/22/2023
Number of Pax: 6
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Picasso
Thang 1 was a “Champagne” Style Sling Shot run. I found an empty Bottle of wine on the hill and I used as my pearl until I could recycle it later. It’s in some pictures.
I get faster strength training than running. I already run. I get more out of boot camps than run clubs, typically. Today was about changing that perception as well. I want to make Wednesdays at the Wood bad a$s again. For me, today was a bit about changing the perception of what a run club can be. Being someone that runs, I almost never get anything out of a run club where that is all we do. So we barely ran. We got close to 2 miles but my quads are on fire. Read on to find out why.
Quad Stretch. L than R. OYO. Provided disclaimer and began to mention the importance of strength training if you want to get faster.
Hamstring Stretch. OYO (Cross legs tough your toes). Went over principles
Sat down for a seated spinal twist. OYO (Stretched Glutes, spinal column, core, and hips). R than L Finished Principles and Reminded the Men of F3 Mission. Began going over the plan for Thang 1. Recovered.
Mary Katherine Gallaghers – IC(In Cadence) – 10
Jump Squats – IC – 10
Bonny Blairs – IC – 10
Ended Mary with a demo “Champagne Style” Slingshot around the parking lot. Exploded off the front for 3 Seconds, performed Jump Squats until the line passed, joined line. Jogged around the lot.
The Thang
Ran a traditional sling shot out of the wood onto the trail then began Thang 1.
Thang 1 – Moving 11s.
Champagne Style Slingshot of 11s was designed to make Men run away from the group at times and have to play catch up at other times. We exploded off the front for 10 seconds. Performed 10 Bonny Blairs and 1 Jump Squat. Followed this design through 11s. Ended with a One Second Sprint off the front of the line with 1 BB and 10 Jump Squats. This was the end of 11s and a place where I really slowed the line down. 11 is 11 and when you only have 1 second to sprint you have to run to catch up. I decided to be nice, (this time….), and slow the pace of the group down. The moving 11s took about 1.4 miles. The 11s ended at the base of the hill.
Thang 2 – Hill Work
Stayed East facing. We went up and over the hill. Began with a Bernie Sanders up the hill, crawl bear d’ down the back side of the hill, bear crawled up, Ran down the hill. Liked it so much we did it again. Circled up at the base of the hill and did 30 Merkins – IC. I told everyone we were going to do 20. Someone started swearing when we kept going. Ran as a group to the pavilion for thang 3
Thang 3 – Interval Running
Partnered up. One Man held a wall sit in the pavilion, their partner ran out and back to relieve the man holding wall sit and finishing the assault on the quads. The out and back runs started short, then medium, and then the full length of the lot then back to half the lot, and ended with the short length.
Mary – called for 44 Big Boys. We hit 53 before 6:00. Just knew I wanted to do more than I initially said. (Like the Merkins)
Circle of Trust
Today was designed to be about everything that I believe is important to running, most of these things overlap into life as well. Accelerating, moving forward, reaching goals and then setting new goals, and focusing on strength to get better were the themes of this mornings beatdown and CoT.
My younger sister and my brother-n-law are both faster than me. They are competitive runners. I used to be way faster. I am beginning to get faster again. I am as fast as my younger sister now and am excited that I might be able to run with my brother-in-law soon. I know it is not from running and constantly running that will make a person faster. This Q was about focusing on and doing the things that keep me moving in the right direction as a runner and as a person.
Thang 1 was about running away and running after others. As you run away, it is important to never look back. We remember where we come from but it isn’t helpful to constantly live in the past. Forward! We move forward, we run forward, we accelerate and keep accelerating. We can have things in front of us, we can have people in front of us. We need to chase down people, catch our goals, and remove what is in our way from time to time. I am very motivated when I run by staying ahead of folks and aiming to catch folks in front of me.
I did two things where I called out an exercise and then a rep count and we passed the rep count. It is also important when you run and in life to set realistic goals but also to never be content. Once you reach your initial goal, set another one. I will be happy when my brother-in-law wants to run with me. I always have a pace goal. As soon as I reach it, I make a new pace goal. I am very motivated when I run when I consider what I am doing to meet a goal and what I will do to consider the next goal when I run.
Finally, you will get faster when you run if you are running with someone faster than you. You will get faster with your pace if you work on breathing and are being metacognitive about your movements. I am constantly thinking about what I am doing while I am doing it. (If I keep my feet closer to the ground and take longer strides do I speed up? If I crank my arms harder do I speed up? If I change my breathing pattern does it help? etc. etc. etc…..). The only thing that runners must focus on to truly improve speed and to really be faster and more explosive is strength training. I credit F3 for making me stronger which in turn is making me faster. I am motivated by results. This Run Club was about all of the things that motivate me as a person and as a runner.
Naked Man Moleskin
Boot Camps have always given me more results than just running for the sake of running. I wanted to make a Run Club for what I think a run club can be. Something that is a little more than just running.
I think some of the men that I would call runners that came to the Wood today appreciated during CoT, when I mentioned that they already run and I know they do and I believe that we can do more than just run at a Run Club. I think some of the folks that pushed to make the day that I Site Q at this AO would have appreciated today. I am discouraged that I have never seen any of the people that have fought to make Wednesdays at the Wood a run club since the switch. I am inspired that one of my friends have switched their run club days to Wednesday to be with yhc at the wood where I normally serve as the 6. I am also inspired by slowly starting to gain traction and slowly building Wednesdays back up at the Wood as a run day. Men… If you don’t use it you lose it. (Is that true?!)
Love and Respect!