Napster’s Birthday Beatdown

AO: The Olympiad

When: 01/16/2025

Number of Pax: 11

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Napster


Come out for my birthday beatdown.  I’m happy to say that I’ll finally be getting the respect that I deserve tomorrow.  We are going to do a modified CPR ladder workout inspired by Peterbilt (at least that is what I think it was called).  I’m going to throw some light running into the mix to keep us warm.


Arm Circles, Tappy Taps, Motivators (5), Imperial Walkers, Abe Bagoda

The Thang

1. Run around school
2. Circle up
3. Count off by 2 and stay in that order.
4. Go around the circle with each PAX leading the group.
1. PAX with a 1 will lead the group in UPS exercise.
2. PAX with a 2 will lead the group in an exercise of their choosing.
3. Once we hit 10 UPS exercises that is the end of the round.
5. Repeat until 5:55am.

Circle of Trust

The disempowered man is restricted and prevented from taking meaningful action for God’s sake. They have been silenced, and they miss out on God’s blessing.

An empowered man is a man who is
– Known by God
– Grown by God
– Owned by God

The first stage of empowered manhood is being Known by God. This means that a man has surrendered to God and entrusted himself to Jesus for the forgiveness of his sins. This is very different from the man who is still living in his own power and strength.

I have been a Christian all my life but these last few years I have been learning how to lean more on God for strength and power and not myself. In the gloom we strengthen our bodies. In relationship with each other strengthen our souls. In relation with God we strengthen our spirit. If we aren’t doing all three then we are not fully empowered.

My desire for all of you is to be fully empowered to lead your families and live successful lives.

Naked Man Moleskin

I appreciate everyone who came out to celebrate my 50th birthday Q.

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