Not a Runner doing his first Run Club Q

AO: The Ridge

When: 01/15/2025

Number of Pax: 15

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:



Last thing I ever expected from myself is to:

1. Run.

2. Lead a Run Club.


3. Do it in -3 degrees Fahrenheit with icicles all over my face, frozen eye lids, and to top it of, with a group of 14 men 😀


Chop it out while;

  • Disclaimer
  • Core principals
  • F3 Mission
  • Credo


  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot with a combination of: Side shuffles Left, Side shuffles Right, Butt kicks.

At the Flags continued WOR

  • Motivators from 5
  • Tappy taps
  • Tie fighters

The Thang

This Scout run started at the flags and headed North/NW on Grande Prk Blvd to the bridge. Once we cross the bridge, we turn around and pickup the 6, and continue to Ridge Rd, where we turn around and head back towards the same bridge.

Once we cross it again, we go back and pickup the 6 to head back to flags.

There was no time for Marry, and the mileage I logged was 3.51 miles.


Circle of Trust

I recently received an interesting message on Facebook messenger from someone I haven’t seen or talked to in a while. This message hit me a little bit by surprise, but it was also refreshing.

The reason it was refreshing is because I personally feel like there’s not enough ‘Real Talk’ going on these days. Your typical conversations will consist of basic responses like “every thing is fine”, “all is good” ect… No substance, no depth, especially among men.

It sometimes feels like we are programmed, conditioned, and expected to show no emotions, or vulnerabilities, because it may be perceived as weakness (I disagree, to a reasonable extent of course). Us men carry some heavy shit on our shoulders.. We do the hard shit, and many times throughout our life, it goes unappreciated by the ones we care about the most. It’s almost as if we are expected to wear a bulletproof, emotional cloak or something.. If that even makes sense.

This is what he wrote me: ” Are you as happy as the photos you post online”?

At first I was like wtf.., but I immediately appreciated the fresh air of a real question.

I didn’t know why he asked me this. Maybe he was going through some difficulty in his life, a challenge, and he thought that he’s the only one that’s going through it. All while looking at my photos of my vacations, experiences, or smiles throughout all the photos, thinking that this guys has it all figured out.. ‘Look at how happy he is’.

Little does he know that behind those snap shots of a fun memory, or moment in time, or that – “SMILE for the picture babe”, isn’t just all rainbows and butterfly’s. Behind those smiles there’s pain from dealing with my Dads stage 4, there’s pain with my moms health conditions, and the thoughts that come with it. Or the struggles I have with my Marriage, and the challenges of a new career path into the unknowns.

My message to everyone is simple. Don’t think that for one second if you’re dealing with anything difficult and challenging, that you’re the only one.. I assure you that if you have more ‘real talk’ with people, you will quickly realize that we’re all going through something, or have gone through something, or will go through something. It’s life, its inevitable, and a challenging hand will be dealt at some point. What you do with that hand is a different story, and I wish I had the perfect answer… but I’m currently trying to figure that out myself. What I do know, is that I will figure it out at the end, I just don’t know what that looks like.

So if you’re lucky enough to have someone close to you, or even a pax member that you can be vulnerable with, then take advantage of it and release some of that shit, or it can eat you alive.

So Point #1 – Never compare yourself to anyone, or anyone’s “success” what ever success means to you personally, or any image of someone, literally and metaphorically. You just don’t know the whole story, unless you actually do. Which brings me to my 2nd point.

Be a man, but don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. We’re all human, so have some real talk sometimes.

(Everyone’s reaction to, he messaged me “Are you as happy as the photos you post” was freaking hilarious! 😀 )

For prayer like I’ve mentioned before, that sometimes I take a moment of silence, or reflect because I’m not very religious. But Today I said a prayer in Ukrainian during COT with intentions about the accident that happened with HankHills mother, peoples lives tragically affected from the California fires, people in general that need help, and my family of course.

Naked Man Moleskin

Few things that I need to adjust and get better with:

If I have a goal with mileage, I need to be aware that weather will affect the timing of it, so warm ups should be slightly shorter, and communication straight forward, quick, and effective to get moving.

When doing exercises in cadence, I should stick with F3’s standard of changing tone/volume increase on the last rep versus, my way of saying 3, 2, 1. This way everyone’s on the same page, and if someone comes in late, they are not confused.

Also for scout runs, I need to shorten the distance of the ‘turn around and pickup the 6’ locations, because mine were to far apart. Was fine for the runners, but the distance was to far spread apart between pax members.

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