AO: The Wood
When: 01/14/2025
Number of Pax: 8
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Dilly Dilly
Well, as I headed out this morning the snow was coming down pretty heavy & to be honest with you I almost called Picasso to tell him I was not coming but I did not want to let the PAX down so i made the weathery trek to The Wood. As I arrived most were coming back from an EC run so we got to work quickly.
Warm O Rama: (5 mins)
- Daisy Pickers 20 seconds
- Learning to Fly 16 (IC)
- High Knees & Bear Crawl back
- Butt Kickers & Duck Walk back
- Side Shuffle & Bernie Sanders back
- Side Shuffle & Lunge walk back
- Super Mario & Mosey back
The Thang
Thang #1: Over The Hill & Back Again…Not Really
- Below was the plan but due to weather conditions we just did an out & back, maybe next time
- Goal to complete 5 of the following rotations
- .25 mile trek up the side of Mount wood & back down the other side
- .50 mile trek around the AO
Thang #2: Partner DORA
- Partner 1 run to end of lot & back; when reach partner 2 you switch & keep the same pattern until you reach the end of the lot
- Partner 2 lunge walk
- Burpees 20
- Daisy Pickers to downward dog to low plank & then work way back to downward dog & finish with daisy pickers
Circle of Trust
Count – 8
AAR – call out to step in Site Q Picasso who gave good feedback prior to workout so I could modify
Name O – all accounted for
Prayers – Jordache & his friend/family
Naked Man Moleskin
- I have recently been reading a book called “how to be like, Coach Wooden” which entails a list of things that you should emulate if you want to be like not only a great coach but one of the greatest men ever. One of those “how to be like, Coach Wooden” was “Be A Leader” & it laid out 10 ways Coach Wooden was a leader. Guessing some of these might seem really familiar to F3 principles:
- The leader is a Servant
- The leader sees through others eyes
- The leader says lets go & leads the way
- The leader assumes followers are working with them, not for them
- The leader is a people builder
- The leader has faith in people
- The leader uses their head & their heart
- The leader plans & sets things in motion
- The leader has a sense of humor
- The leader can be lead
- The leader who tries to lead without love will turn around one day & find there is nobody following