Spitty Loops

AO: The Colosseum

When: 01/13/2025

Number of Pax: 6

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Spit Valve


There are several reasons why I like to lead run clubs the first of which is so I go to them and I know other people can relate to this.  The second of which is so I know what the plan is and it’s something I can achieve.


I think one of the most important reasons why I like to lead run clubs is to make them inclusive(I know that’s a super dirty word and I should never use it again).  But what I mean is I want to appeal to runners of all paces abilities, various training plans, etc.  I remember being a brand new runner and barely getting 2 miles in, but I was fortunate that the plan was in out and back and it allowed me to run and being that it was an out and back. It also allowed those that really needed the miles to get what they needed so I like to do the same


for warm Arama today. We did good mornings, Eva Vigoda’s and Harry Rockets and I noticed that they all started in the same position finished off with little OYO calf stretch and I realized I had taken too long and we were off to save the wizard.

The Thang

Pretty simple thing three loops progressively smaller each one the first one 1.7 miles the second one 1.1 miles and the third one half a miles all of them south of the Ayo all of them starting down the same initial road right across the street and all of them on the road.  I thought it was important to stay on the road to avoid icy sidewalks the roads at this point are pretty solid and so you don’t need to put the spikes on your shoes or anything like that you can have a normal run despite being super cold.

we got back at 5:58 for a little AAR one bit of feedback was just the idea of only hitting Renwick once so going down into the neighborhood and staying in the neighborhood a little bit longer but the concept of being on the road south of the AO seem to work really well.

Circle of Trust

For my circle of trust to be honest a lot of times I have something really good planned here. I don’t ever write it out, but I always think on it and today I just kinda didn’t. It’s been a rough couple of days this weekend just a lot going on with my family and things happening not much sleep And I feel a little overwhelmed so I just talked about setting goals and doing different things to try to achieve them because if you do the same things over and over expecting a different result, that’s the definition of insanity.

Naked Man Moleskin

I really appreciate Mr. Kotter, who will generally run with me at these run clips. Yes, I get that. It’s his responsibility as psych Q but most of these guys are gonna run 4 miles very easily. This is actually one of the reasons why I don’t go to all of the run clubs only because I know that I do slow the pace for some people and people have miles that they’re trying to get so I really appreciate him for running with me. he probably could’ve gotten another mile in by no means was I gas? Could I run faster sure but I was on a run plan and that is part of the other thing with leading these run clubs inclusive means that people that need miles can get them, but that also people who are running for the first time can have a successful run club because that’s important because that was me at one point

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