AO: The Grove
When: 01/06/2025
Number of Pax: 12
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QIC: Spit Valve
so I think like a lot of us I’ve gotten myself into a good workout schedule where there’s specific things I want on specific days and given the weather in the ice I wanted to try leading a Tabata style workout. I’ve never actually let this kind of work out. I’ve been to a few and obviously the most notable one is bronco so I decided to give it a go,
- This warm-o-rama was pretty basic. We did Michael Phelps a Bogota’s motivators. Everybody seems to like to start with motivators these days. I made sure that we finished up with imperial walkers as one of the exercises I like to use imperial blockies utilizes the same technique.
The Thang
30 seconds between sets
30/10/30/10 10 sec trans to next exercises
Set 1- coupons/flags
Inside curls
Coupon Squat
Set 2- pavilion
Step ups
Two way leg raise R/ Two way leg raise L
Set 3- coupons/flags
Lawn mower R/Lawn mower L
Imperial blocker
Set 4-pavilion
Plank Hops
Bulgarian R/ Bulgarian L switch during 2nd time
Set 5-coupons/flags
Weighted Pickle Pusher
Leg lift hold- press
Set 6-pavilion
Air Squats
Plank Crawl
Set 7 coupons/flags
Flutter kicks
Jane Fonda L/Jane Fonda R
Set 8 Final Set Burnouts
Big Boys
Tie fighters
Circle of Trust
For today’s circle of trust, I wanted to talk about the term the “opposition.” You hear this term a lot in motivational, speaking in religion as the person or people or organism or thing that is preventing you from getting where you need to be or in someway standing against you I think we most often equate the opposition with the word enemy, however I made a point to say that they’re different to me an enemy is there is somebody that there’s no coming back from. Somebody that the only real resolution would be their death or destruction. The opposition, however, is simply the person standing between you and where you wanna get, and there may be a situation where that opposition could turn to your side or to where you in the opposition have a common opposition and therefore I think this word was chosen very specifically.
Naked Man Moleskin
I got some pretty good feedback on this Tabata one of the things I’ve ran into for whatever reason when I’ve lead at the Grove is the need to modify on the fly and for whatever reason there I struggle with this the workout as planned would’ve initially had us alternating back-and-forth between the pavilion and the flags which would’ve created some additional movement to fill the time and it would’ve also had us Indian running to the bridge so there would’ve been more movement in between and less downtime the one really good piece of feedback that I received was about encouraging everybody to max out while they’re doing their reps and try to get as many as possible and keep pushing there was a contrary opinion that said to focus on form, and I actually think that both of these things are very important