Freezing 4 Station

AO: The Colosseum

When: 01/04/2025

Number of Pax: 8

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ecto Cooler


It was a very cold morning sitting at 1 degree, wanted to keep the PAX constantly moving to stay warm, even saw a jacket get removed during the beatdown.


Motivators from 6, Arm circles, Abe vigodas, Willie Mays Hays

The Thang

OYO 4 Stations

Station 1 (Baseball Pavillion) 40 curls, 40 OHP, 40 skull crushers, 40 chest press, 40 lawn mowers, 20 WW3, 20 Pull overs. After 1 coupon exercise pax moseyed to station 2.

Station 2 (Concession Stand) 20 Air Squats

Station 3 (Main Pavillion) 20 step ups per leg

Station 4 (End of path by BB courts) 5 Burpees

After the loop Pax would move to coupon exercise 2 and so forth.

Circle of Trust

“Discipline is the bridge between dreams and accomplishment” I thought this was a great quote and a great intro into my 75 hard starting Sunday 1/5. I need to be more discipline focused and not slack off when im tired or not feeling it, discipline is pushing when you dont want to and accomplishing tasks your not in the mood for.

Naked Man Moleskin

Everyone stayed warm and kept the coupon exercises short to no get cold hands.

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