Rifle Carry Bananza

AO: The Olympiad

When: 12/26/2024

Number of Pax: 5

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Hanger


5:15 rolled around quick. There was a rain mist coming down. Koko Puff from Southside was Q at the Wood this morning and came in hot. Thanks for joinin us today brother.


SSH-Michael Phelps-Imperial Walkers-Good Mornings-Abe Bagotas-Tappy Taps-Calf Stretch and streth on your own for 45 seconds

The Thang

Thing 1- Mosey to the track we had 4 stations spead apart. We did exersices at each station then rifle carried to next station and repeated an exercise at each station with rifle carries. We completed 2 laps on the track.


Thing 2 back at the flags I set up 4 stations at each light poll and a exersices. Mode of transportation from station to station was rifle carry. Once we finished round 1 we went to round 2 with differnt exercises and a burpee by in at each station.


WoR-flutter kicks-shoulder taps-scissor kicks-pickle pushers and high plank.

Circle of Trust

Cot- Why do you do this. In my case my why started at trying to lose wight and get healthier. As time has passed my Why changed to the 3rd F being a servant to others in which brings pride and joy to myself. The beauty of Why changing from time to time is great because I am growing as a man, a father , a grandfather and a leader. As your WHY changes its an indicator that you are growning as a person its a great thing. Keep that in mind as you move through life.

Naked Man Moleskin

KoKo Puff thanks for joining us today. Love the energy brother. Suns out Guns out.

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