RDG Rainy Run Club

AO: The Colosseum

When: 11/04/2024

Number of Pax: 11

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ecto Cooler


Wanted to Q the 1st day of week 1 of RDG to get a message out there and to start strong. Appreciate the turnout with all the rain.


Motivators from 5, Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers, Willie Mays Hays, Calf Stretch

The Thang

Buddy out and pack to Settlers Park, some PAX took the loop around the pond, some went to the pole and back, all PAX made it back before 6 and logged some miles.

Ended with a few static stretches, so PAX didnt have to sit on the wet ground.

Circle of Trust

With RDG upon us and a lot of new faces either in the gloom or on our team, I talked about how this is a really good time to get to know new PAX, could be FNG’s or guys who have been coming out for awhile that your paths just don’t normally cross. I can be a little introverted so RDG last year was great for me to learn about F3 and strike up conversations on EC rucks, 1/2 Marathons or 2nd F events. I encouraged the PAX to reach out to someone they don’t know well or for a veteran F3 guy to find someone newer and help them out, this is about the team points but build some friendships along the way.

Naked Man Moleskin

I believe 3 of my 4 Run Club Q’s at TC it has rained

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